Partly Cloudy


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Manage your workers to make your cloud factory successful by clicking your way to fame and fortune! Understand your workers’ importance to your factory’s success or go down in a spiral of debt.FACTORYYour lovely money making and well hiring cloud factory! Expand it by building many rooms and hiring workers who depend 100% on you. If you can’t handle it, then don’t expand it!
WORKERSThe wellbeing of the workers is the base of your factory’s success. Observe and take care of them.
WELLBEINGSleep, ergonomics, food and focusing on working. Choose wisely, otherwise the factory will suffer.
ROOMSUpgradable rooms with different qualities and costs.
ACHIEVEMENTSCollect all the upgrades and win the game!
Partly Cloudy is a part of the Smart Moves –project.